photo of map of australia with pins in it

About the book

“This isn’t your everyday guide book to Australia. No – this book is different, this book will be mildly confusing, likely to mislead you and often take the piss like a true Aussie. This book will cover a lot of information that will prove much more useful than it ought to be.”

This book aims to thoroughly prepare you for the worst because after all everyone knows Australia is a dangerous place and when you lie dying on top of a mountain after been stung by a jellyfish you will thank the author for his wisdom and foresight.

However, this book will teach you more than just about how you’re going to die, it also aims to give you insight into Australian history and culture and provide you with a basic insight of the places worth avoiding while you are there and how to get between the few that are worth seeing.

This book will provide a useful travel companion for anyone who wants to have a fairly ordinary and confusing holiday in Australia, if that doesn’t sound like you maybe you should try the Lonely Planet Australia (Travel Guide). Keep in mind though it will quickly become out of date and costs a lot more!

Photo of the slightly large pocket guide book to Australia

Buy the book

If you have heard wonderful things about this book or the brief introduction was enough to motivate you to buy a copy, that’s great, you can either buy a copy from Blurb (they will print a copy and post it to you) or alternatively you can download a copy of the eBook completely free as a PDF file.

If you are poor, you might also be able to get a discount by visiting this website and trying the various discount codes. Blurb run fairly regular discount offers, so if you are lucky, one of the codes will work :).

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Extra Downloadable stuff

In order to keep this book relevant and up-to-date each copy contains blank pages for you to insert extra content. The idea is you download it, print it out and stick it in and in doing so update your copy of the book. This extra content also known as DLC (Downloadable content) aims to expand and prolong the uselessness and irrelevance of the book and mean you don’t need to keep buying new editions.

Download the Tasmania DLC - Tasmania not found image

Tasmania DLC

As you have probably worked out, Tasmania was regrettably left out of the original book. However, this will soon be remedied with the new Tasmania DLC.

Learn more about the Tasmania DLC


Potential frequently asked questions about the book, most people don’t seem to ask any questions, they are easily contented I guess.

It’s a long story… The book also goes into a bit more detail about this, so you’ll have to read it :).


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The pocket guide to Australia